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  • Writer's pictureAllie Graham

Mountain of Emotion

The discomfort of evolving through emotions can feel like you are climbing up a mountain that just, never ends. However, shift your perspective. What’s the rush to the top?

What if you aren’t meant to race to the top and gas yourself along the way. What if you

are meant to learn the tools and agility necessary to continue up the mountain?

With each progression upward, you gain new awareness, new understanding and more wisdom.


I often think of emotions in comparison to a mountain and those that climb Mount Everest. If my memory recalls correctly, I believe I read that the climbers have to climb up and then back down a bit in order to acclimate to the oxygen so they do not pass out. Considering the conditions I don’t think it’s a place that you’d like to lose consciousness.

If you take this frame in and look at your emotional evolution in this light then we are able to perceive the process as more of a journey rather than a race. Although some race to the top of Mount Everest, I don’t necessarily think it is for all. Just as some progress through emotions rather quickly and some have to acclimate and adjust.

Sometimes it is really frustrating to come face to face with emotions that weigh on you and that you would like to bury. Sometimes it’s even more frustrating when we act out of primal instinct to protect ourselves and end up repeating patterns and cycles we swore that we had healed from. But the evolutionary journey through emotions and those that are conditioned in us from childhood forward isn't a linear journey.

You experience periods where you feel as if you are catapulting into a version of yourself that is so confident and happy and then you have periods where you feel as if the heaviness of life has completely clouded your vision. Both are correct.

And isn't it ironic how we can almost always look back on periods that felt the most challenging and see that they yield some of our greatest qualities and strengths?

Enjoy the journey on your mountain of life and recognize that it is meant to have periods of upward movement and periods of stepping back for adjustments and acclimation.

I appreciate you being here


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